From: "Cédric Chausson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello all,
> I am interested in updating to RH9. I have two options :
> _ Doing a full install
> _ Doing an update instal
> Up until now I have always used the full install option and not the
> update possibility. But I have installed a lot of programs and
> configured a lot of things so I'd like to loose as less as is possible.
> So I was wondering is the update installation option really feasible. I
> seem to remmeber having seen written that it did not work really good ?
> Comments, experiences ?

First you have to get Red Hat Linux 9. THEN worry about the details. {^_-}

My habit these days after upgrading a couple times and finding that after
the second upgrade pass I "found it severely wanting". I save off all the
user home directories, create a savers directory on the /home partition
and copy (cp -a) over the critical configuration information from the
machine, the etc directory and the scattered files in /var like the named
setup. Don't forget the /root directory in your savers.

Then I perform a full install formatting every partition except the
/home partition. After that I use the saved data to reconfigure the machine
so that it is usable again. This takes longer than an update. Plan out a
substantial part of a day for it in extreme cases or your first time. (I've
done it in an hour plus the install time when I prepared well. The second
update left the machine needing more than that hour's work before it was
usable. That's why I quit updating rather than installing fresh.) The
hardest point is getting all your users back into the new machine. I've
found that it is not always possible to simply copy over the /etc/passwd
and related files.


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