On Monday 24 March 2003 04:55 am, Sergio Durand wrote:
> what's the problem with his php+apache2 ??
> i'm with them (and squirrelmail) and works fine ...

Several minor issues.  Most recently problems with attachments not 
uploading correctly from IE 6.

> the conectiva linux (www.conectiva.com.br) uses apache 1.3.x ...
> try to looking for a src package of conectiva 8 (updates)

Thank you.  I'll check their site.

> see ya!
> Stephen Carville wrote:
> > I finally have to admit that PHP and Apache 2.x do not get along 
> > well.  At least not well enough to let Squirrelmail work reliably.  
> > Is there a source rpm for Apache 1.3.x for Redhat 8.0?  I can make 
> > one if I have to but if someone else has done the work....
> -- 
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Stephen Carville http://www.heronforge.net/~stephen/gnupgkey.txt
The difference between robbery and taxes is simple:   The first is 
someone threatening to hurt you if you do not give them your money.   
The second is legal.

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