On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 14:38, Naga Toro wrote:
> "Will Mendez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> > ifconfig eth0 down     = release
> Unfortunately no. This doesn't work nor does "dhclient -r" although it
> should according to the man page.
> This last only returns an error about the wrong .pid file.
> Any other ideas?

I'm pretty new to all this and probably all wrong, but...

My machine is normally set up with a static IP.

I changed this to dchp and ran "dchclient -r".
I got the same messages as you indicated.
Running ifconfig showed no ip address.

I ran "dhclient"  ---no flags or options.
This assigned me an ip address.

I ran "dhclient -r" again and it released the ip address.

I then ran "dhclient -r" again and got the errors again
because I had no ip address.

Just a guess... but is it possible that when you boot
into linux, you are not able to see the dhcp server and
therefore unable to get an ip adress? Then when you run
dhclient -r you would get the error.

Try running just "dhclient" and see what happens.

Again... I may be dead wrong and just wasting bandwidth.


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