I had a similar problem just about 1 week ago.....as I posted
here, I was getting freeze-ups during install and after about the 6th
install attempt, I got a RH message indicating some type of problem. 
After burning new ISO's from CD and passing the disk integrity check, it
started looking more like a hardware problem.  I swapped out every

Turns out, it was the POWER SUPPLY!....that's right, too much
ripple/dropout caused my MB to quit during intensive activity...like
both HD's and the CD-ROM going at the same time.

Inspect your hardware!....older systems like my P2-400 seem to be more
tolerant of bad power and marginal parts...the new boards seem to have a
very small window of tolerance.


On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 09:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I had this problem once--ended up being in the BIOS of the machine--you have
> to set the BIOS to read the disk as OTHER (or some other OS other than DOS)
> then things should work fine.  If you still get the freezing--check the
> RedHat hardware compatibility list.  I had similar problems getting it to
> run on an HP Pavilion--then found out most of it wasn't supported by RedHat.
> Hope that's helpful...
> Corey
> Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 08:37:03 -0800
> From: David Boyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Install of 8.0 in freezing at different points
> I have the 3 CD image install disk for Redhat 8.0. I believe called ISO.
> All three check out on the test before install.
> I am installing on a 3.2gb drive that is formatted FAT32.
> The install process seems to be going flawlessly but for some reason the
> install stops and I have to turn the machine off and start the whole process
> again.
> I have tried this three times and each times it freezes at a different
> point.  Once I even got close to the end.
> I am installing the personal version as it recommends.
> Any ideas?

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