Matthew Melvin wrote:

On Wed, 19 Mar 2003 at 11:38am (-0800), Randall J. Parr wrote:

I have been trying to find some means to redirect the iptables log messages to a file other than /var/log/messages.

One option recommended is using syslog-ng which allows redirection based on regular expressions.

Does anyone have any ideas and/or experience using the syslog-ng package with Red Hat 8.x ?

I'm a big fan of syslog-ng... it's filtering rules are much more flexiable. For instnace I use it to do exactly what you're doing and write ipchains/iptables stuff to /var/log/firewall....

destination d_firewall { file("/var/log/firewall"); };

filter f_firewall {
       facility(kern) and match('Packet log:') or match('kernel: IN=');

log { source(s_sys); filter(f_firewall); destination(d_firewall); };

... it can be used a full replacement for sysklogd but i don't know how 'drop in' the available RPM's are. It's prolly worth checking them out.

Does this imply you have installed from source on RH8 system?
Any particular problems and/or concerns with doing so?

R.Parr, RHCE

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