On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 10:15:01AM -0500, Joe Klemmer wrote:
>       I am trying to update to the glibc errata that was just released but
> I'm having a small dependency deadlock.  The problem seems to be a lib
> that is in glibc-2.2.93 named libNoVersion.so.1, which is needed by
> Applix Anywhere 2.2.  glibc-2.3.2 wants to remove this lib (or at least
> it doesn't have it).  I tried to install 2.3.2 in conjunction with
> 2.2.93 but there's dependency issues with glibc-common and such.  Does
> anyone have a good idea of how to do an rpm -ivh for glibc-2.3.2 with an
> rpm -Fvh of the rest of the glibc-*-2.3.2?

Short term solution could be to:
cp -a /lib/libNoVersion* /tmp/
rpm -Fvh --nodeps glibc*2.3.2*
(this one after verifying libNoVersion.so is really the only failed
mv /tmp/libNoVersion* /lib/

Apparently change to use --enable-add-ons=linuxthreads (resp. nptl) 
instead of --enable-add-ons=all broke the glibc 2.0 compat - it should
have been --enable-add-ons=linuxthreads,glibc-compat,c_stubs
(resp. nptl,...).


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