On Thursday 20 March 2003 04:53, George Magklaras uttered:
> Have you done a make modules and also a  make modules_install ?
> If not it doesn't surprise me the least.
> If you do this and it makes the dependencies properly (you will know
> if you see the module under the /lib/modules/[kernel-version]
> directory structure), it should work.

Ah, but the module I'm compiling isn't part of the standard kernel tree, so 
make modules, and make modules_install will just make all the other modules 
and put them on my file system under /lib/modules where they aren't 

Again, I point out that the process I'm using works great for a non-boot 
kernel,  I can build the module and load it into a running system w/out 
trouble.  It's the boot kernel that is giving me trouble, and I'm thinking 
that it's because the -i386-BOOT config that came w/ the kernel differs from 
the actual kernel used on the install CD.  I can't get anybody to confirm 
this though.  *sigh*

Jesse Keating RHCE MCSE
Mondo DevTeam (www.mondorescue.org)

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