Around about 20/03/2003 09:21, Michael Kuss typed ...
please guide me to install red hat linux 8on my system & help me explore the world of Linux
nothing easier than that:
cdrecord -v psyche-i386-disc1.iso
same for the other two.

... 'cept he doesn't yet /have/ Linux, and hence has no cdrecord yet :-/

Which cd writer software do you have? On the major ones, your should find the option to 'burn from image file' or something equivalent; you need to find that option, then point it at the .ISOs (one per CD).

I'm not sure that the noddy writer S/W provoided by HP with their drives (I have one) is that sophisticated, though. You may need to d/l a demo version or Nero or something for a day.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# rm -f .signature
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory

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