Location are there.  In the manage bookmark window right click on item you want a 
location on.
> From: Harry Putnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2003/03/19 Wed PM 12:02:13 EST
> Subject: OT Netscape - incredibly stupid or dumb operator
> Netscape 7.01
> I wondered if I'm just really lame here, but I've noticed the few
> times I've used the bookmark search tool under `Manage bookmarks'
> that it finds bookmarks alright but allows now way to tell where that
> bookmark is in the general layout.
> Just pulls up the bookmark name and address but not its location in
> the bookmark scheme.  Seems incredibly dumb and missing an ingredient
> that would nearly always be desired..  Seems so dumb as to make me
> wonder if it isn't some operator stupidiy at work here.
> -- 
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