Try installing a newer version of RedHat. Why would you want 6.2?

On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 06:29, Freddy Jensen wrote:
> We are having problems installing RH 6.2 on a new Dell PC.
> It almost looks like the PC hardware is newer than what
> is supported by RH 6.2 (email attached below). The h/w
> is a Dell Optiplex with plain IDE (no scsi).
> Has anyone seen this before?
> Help and advise will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> --
> Freddy Jensen, Sr. Computer Scientist, Adobe Systems Incorporated
> 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704, USA, Ph: (408) 536-2869
> --
> ========== Begin forwarded message ==========
> Subject: Installing Linux
> Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 09:43:40 -0800
> I finally tried something that you probably didn't try.
> There is a "text" mode that you can choose initially
> that uses a older style of interface.  When I went through
> the installation process with this it eventually reported
> "Exception occurred" and showed a traceback.  The
> deepest levels of this seemed to be:
>   todo.getCompsList() in file
>   getCompsList in file line 467
> I am guessing that "py" indicates a "python" script file
> (yet another scripting language).
> It seems that the more GUI approaches were failing without
> any indication of this crash.
> I tried some variants, and this error always occured.
> This could indicate a HW incompatibility between "python"
> and the CPU of the machine (??).
> ========== End forwarded message ==========
Michael Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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