On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 11:06:50AM -0500, Margaret_Doll wrote:
> Aaron,
>       I would like to try converting the partitions to ext2 to see if the 
> formatting
> is the problem on the system.  I see in the instructions in the RedHat 
> Customization
> Guide the instructions, but they won't work for some of the system 
> partitions which
> one can't unmount.   I can do this in a single user mode or if I start 
> the system
> from the installation disks?
The best way is to use the installation disks and go into linux
rescue. You can unmount the partitions or tell the system not to
mount them. Then use tune2fs to switch to ext2.
However, something less drastic to try is at the redhat site:
which is part of the Redhat white paper on ext3 and find out how
/sbin/elvtune and little known program can help you make your ext3
more efficient.
Is the whole white paper on ext3.
Aaron Konstam
Computer Science
Trinity University
715 Stadium Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78212-7200

telephone: (210)-999-7484

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