Hi, on my laptop i can only use my Lucent orinoco wireless pcmcia card as eth0. I configure it as netwave_cs. After running up2date i can not longer us neat to change my settings. Can anyone help me to change my setting to the wright card.
System RH 7.3 USERCTL='no' DHCP_HOSTNAME='' BOOTPROTO='dhcp' HWADDR='00:02:2d:3b:e9:85' DEVICE='eth0' TYPE='Wireless' Device=eth0 ONBOOT='yes' PEERDNS='yes' CHANNEL='1' MODE='Managed' KEY='s:xxxxx' RATE='11Mb/s' IPADDR='' GATEWAY='' DOMAIN='' NAME='' NETMASK='' ESSID='' -- Knowledge in a databank,is like food which is in a deepfreeze. Nothing comes out better than what is initially put in. PGP Key: http://users.pandora.be/rivendell/marquetp.gpg Registered Linux User #44550 http://counter.li.org -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/psyche-list