Am Don, 2003-02-27 um 05.25 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Hi all:
> I'm to decide which server hardware to choose for my RedHat Linux 7.3 as an 
> Internet server that will run Apache, MySQL and PHP to manage a medium-sized 
> database. May I request for your recommendations, based on your experiences, 
> which server hardware is best for this (Compac, HP, Sun, ...)?

what "server" do you need? ...any 19'' stuff? you need multi-cpu
tecnologies? or why do you consider to buy expensive "unix-hardware".

If you need a webserver for lees than 200 virtual apaches, you can buy a
"normal" intel with 1,7 to 2,0 GHz, 1GB RAM and a 60 GBM Harddisk,...
In cases like this i just take the redhat hardware list and order a box
with components of my choice, at my local hardware dealer,..

In 99% of all times it works perfectly right from the beginning,...   


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