I have had really good luck with X-CD-Roast. Have burnt a lot of disks
with it and have had none fail.

On Thu, 2003-02-27 at 17:26, John Lowell wrote:
> I'd appreciate having a recommendation of a quality CD burning program 
> that will handle ISO burns. I've tried K3b when I've used KDE and it 
> worked but with my latest install of Red Hat 8.0 I've not chosen KDE 
> and, while I've downloaded the old 7.5 rpm for Red Hat 8.0, K3b has done 
> nothing but fight me. I would add that I've found Gnome Toaster 
> virtually unintelligible, I mean talk about an unusable program. At this 
> point I'll take anything that'll work.
> John Lowell 
> -- 
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