Sergio Durand wrote:
hi there...
i need a solution for configuration a webmail for virtual domains...
my current webmail is squirrelmail...
it's works with virtual domains ??? how ???
i know exist some plugins for virtual domains, but i cannot instal them....
exists another way for do this configuration ???
or,  there's another webmail fast and easy for configuration ???

one solution you could try (and does work), is to copy the entire /usr/share/squirrelmail directory to another name or to the webroot, my structure is:



under each of the hosts, I have recreated the entire original /var/www directory structure.

ls -al /var/www/

total 28
drwxr-x---    7 apache     apache       4096 Feb  2 16:20 .
drwxr-x---    9 apache     apache       4096 Feb 23 00:17 ..
drwxr-x---    2 apache     apache       4096 Jan 30 18:22 cgi-bin
drwxr-x---    3 apache     apache       4096 Jan 30 18:22 error
drwxr-x---    6 apache     apache       4096 Feb 10 20:06 html
drwxr-x---    2 apache     apache       4096 Feb  2 16:25 icons

This way each domain is in a completely seperate directory stucture (easy to look after, just requires altering the http.conf alot and creating the same for the vhosts in /etc/httpd/conf), you could as I have done, copy /usr/share/squirrelmail to say

Then in this example, remove the symlink for the config.php (in /var/www/ and copy the original file across to the new directory, viola.

The downside is this does take up more webspace.

I'm sure someone will say this is hard work and probally wrong in their opinion, but I have found this very easy to manage and configure, once setup, and offers the same protection as normal.


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