On Wed, 2003-02-26 at 15:26, Carlos A. Siso wrote:
> Hi John:
> Thank you for your answer. Tried the restrict directive but still ntpd does 
> not affect the machine time. To test it, I stop the ntpd service, set an 
> invalid time in the machine and start the ntpd service again. The machine 
> keeps the invalid time.
> I am able to sync the machine time using the "Time Server" option of the 
> "time&date" module in "Webmin". So the problem is not the network, firewall 
> or remote server.
> It seems I will have to spend the rest of the week reading the (extensive) ntp 
> documentation :-(.

do you have a /etc/ntp/step-tickers file?

It should contain a list of time servers to query at ntp startup to sync
the clock even if the difference is above the "regular" ntp threshold


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