On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 06:55:34AM +0200, Marek wrote:
> Hi
> I have other ext3 file systems mounted on the same machine other than 
> thoes made by the stanard installation. Should they be included in the 
> option to do a fsck in the unlikely event of a system failure (or power 
> failure) ? I see for now only root and /home are checked on boot up.
Although we tend to avoid doing this on our servers because it takes
hours to do I think periodic fsck on all file systems is worthwhile.
Especially since it is unclear what kind of journalling ext3 file
systems uses from reading the RedHat white papers. Now I expect
someone to say they know what kind of journalling it is and I hope
they enlighten me.
Aaron Konstam
Computer Science
Trinity University
715 Stadium Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78212-7200

telephone: (210)-999-7484

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