I had a question for a C++ programmer. Thought I might find one here :)

I have 2 classes that need to reference each other.

class A{
  int x;
  int y;
  B *left;
  B *right;

class B{
  int a;
  int b;
  A *parent;
  char foo();

Give that top is of type A, in top.left.foo() I need to modify top.right.a

Any ideas? I've tried passing a A* in the constructor for B, but the compiler doesn't
realize that A is a class when I try to compile, and complains about no type listed.

I seams to be a circular reference since A needs B and B needs A. This cannot be that
unusual, and has probably been solved before, I just don't know how.

Right now moy only though is to make parent a void* and the cast it to a A* in the
implementation of B. That removes all type checking though and I'd rather not abuse
void pointers like that.


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