Greetings from the land of the lost within Red Hat v8.0.  I recently
purchased a copy of "Red Hat Linux® 8 for Dummies" by Jon Hall and Paul
Sery published by Wiley Publishing, Inc.  The CD's that came with the
book would NOT work, could NOT boot from them because the IMG file was
NOT there.  Requested info from Wiley and they said it would be e-mailed
to me, well it never arrived.  I contacted Red Hat by telephone and they
gave me a location on the web to find the data needed to create a boot
disc.  I did and now am having trouble with the system NOT wanting to
display messages in Ximian Evolution because I have changed the Font for
my system.  The print was too small so I increased the size and changed
to Century Bookmark 11, 12, 14, and then back to 8, 9, and then 10. 
Finally set Luxi San 8 and my messages would show again but the Headers
are NOT showing.  Plus my root access works but when I use Terminal for
command line access the 'Space Bar' will NOT move the cursor so am
unable to move around, then finally the letters stopped appearing, so I
reinstalled from my CD's.  Was able to do some work as root but later my
'Space Bar' again stopped working.  I can get some things done from my
user access and then doing the 'su' access.  Some times my clicking
on the RedHat icon to logout or select another function will NOT give me
a drop down menu, the keyboard will NOT even work using 'Ctrl+Alt+Bksp'
nor 'Crtl+Alt+Dlt', cannot even logout nor shut down the system.  The
only thing that would work is the UGH!! 'Reset Button' on the chassis. 
Have NOT been able to find any 'User Groups' for NEWBYS or Dumbies like
myself.  Enough of this, should I just remove the system and go back to
UGH!!! WindBlows?  I hate MicroBarf.  Any guidance would be of great
assistance.  I am NOT a programmer, but do like working with this

I know most of the subscribers to this list are much farther advanced
than myself, but; what is a NEWBY to do?


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