The breath of knowledge to understand and to be able to configure ALL linux programs is tremendous. Like you, I had a similar experience awhile back with a small office network I had been using samba with for years. I got cable and wanted to serve up browsing and email to the other XP clients on the network. I got browsing working but was unable to handle the email configuration. My work depended on getting things up and running quickly. My solution was to ask for help. I agreed to pay an individual that had been helping me anyway but because of my ignorance was taking too long. I allowed him ssh access and he was able to get me up and running quickly. The gentleman is still working with IPTable for me but I have rules in place now that have been working without a hitch. If you would like a reference, let me know off line. In summary: if you don't have access to an unix type individual, you can waste a lot of time and get yourself frustrated with documentation that might turn out to be outdated. My approach may be considered a cop-out by some but it worked for me.
John Nall wrote:
At 03:10 PM 2/18/2003 -0300, Sergio Durand wrote:for the fast and simple configuration, setup your squid ... and configure clients browsers to use proxy server ... this way is more easy ..
I think that I am beginning to get a glimmer of what my main problem is -- I am not able to translate from Linuxese to English! :-) Setup my squid??? I'm going to have to do some google work and see what is going on. Us old Windows people who are trying to migrate have a long hard row to hoe!
(The above should not be interpreted as meaning I am not grateful for the advice. I am, and I will figure out what it says.)
Some other notes seemed to have conflicting advice, but I did get some pointers to places to look so will go there and read stuff. Perhaps a stiff drink might help with all this.
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