On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 05:06:14PM -0500, John Nall wrote:
> I've Google-searched and searched the hardware compatibility list at Redhat
> and cannot find whether the Dell Dimension 4300S is, or is not, certified to
> run Linux on.
> Anyone know???  I'm trying to install RH8.0 on one, and it seems to install
> OK but there are some problems.  If the hardware is not compatible, then
> that is that.   I'll just quit.  If it IS compatible,  then I will pursue it
> further.
> Thanks,
> John
I have run 7.3 on a 4300S without problem , I was goint to upgrade to
8.0. What is your problem?
Aaron Konstam
Computer Science
Trinity University
715 Stadium Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78212-7200

telephone: (210)-999-7484

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