Neil Marjoram wrote:

> I am having trouble tracking down information on installing RPM's from
> the web.
> Somewhere in the not to distant past I came across a method of
> installing a package from a web source, and if the package had
> dependants it would also install these automatically for you.
> Alas my brain has discarded this information, can anyone shed light on
> how to do this?

I've had plenty of success upgrading live systems using rpmfind.  Apt didn't do
that for me (yet).

Nick Urbanik   RHCE                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Information & Communications Technology
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi)
Tel:   (852) 2436 8576, (852) 2436 8713          Fax: (852) 2436 8526
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