On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Jason Dale wrote:

> Hi all:
> I have a fairly quick 'before-the-action' question to ask.

then ... a quick answer.

> I have an Adaptec Ultra160 SCSI controlled card and a 
> compatible Seagate SCSI disk.
> The question : Will I need to download any special utilities
> or drivers to get this equipment to work on Red Hat Linux 8, 
> on an Intel PIV 2.0 Ghz platform ? how easy will it be to 
> configure a SCSI disk and controller, and what tools do you
> recommend I use ? ( P.S. I am using a Gnome desktop as
> well with all of the system tools installed )

just try.  I don't have SCSI anymore, but in the past there were no
problems.  SCSI is a well defined interface, and everything
device-specific is handle by the device itself.  So, every SCSI device 
should work, theoretically.

If I'm totally off, somebody may correct me.



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