here is a scenario:
I am at work, and I am ssh'd into my box at
home. I start a long process and it is still running when i leave for
home. When i get home i would like to "take over" the session that i
started at work. ie. see what is going on and interact with it. I
was told the screen command could do this but i read up and can't get it to
work. Is it poss? if it is, could you show me an example to
accomplish my task? thanks~
Title: RH vs Other Distributions
- RH vs Other Distributions Shoemaker, Michael (STL)
- Re: RH vs Other Distributions Doug
- Re: Screen Command Ross Ferson
- Re: Screen Command Peter Larsen
- Re: Screen Command Ross Ferson
- Re: Screen Command Peter Larsen
- Re: Screen Command Ross Ferson
- Re: Screen Command Peter Larsen
- Re: Screen Command Ross Ferson
- Re: Screen Command Justin Zygmont
- Re: Screen Command Joe Klemmer
- Re: Screen Command Cameron Simpson
- Re: RH vs Other Distributions Ed Wilts