
I dont mean to sound rude or unhelpful but have you done any research on
anything before you ask?   you seem to be asking alot of questions with
out researching them first.  google.com is always very helpful with the
rightly asked query  you usually find what you are seeking.  proving
more information on the exact problem also helps as the problem can be
pinpointed with greater ease.  Questions on windows are inappropriate as
this list is for Red Hat Linux 8.0 questions on samba are fine.  I'm
glad that your trying out linux, i think that you will learn more by
searching for what you need rather than just asking,  you will be able
to do what you want with your network,  you just need to learn how.  I
wish you all the sucess in the world.

What do you mean by popup?  does a new window popup showing the list of
ips given out?  have you tried konqueror or nautalis? 

On Mon, 2003-01-27 at 13:29, Buck wrote:
> My Linksys router is accessed by through my web browser.  When I go to
> the router and select: DHCP Clients Table, it fails to popup the window
> of dhcp clients.
> The popup windows work well for the incoming and outgoing access logs.
> Any advice?
> Buck
Dennis Gilmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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