Lucas Albers writes....
> Don't buy any extra hardware; just configure your windows.
> For windows xp turn on the firewall.
> Right click Network Neighborhood>Properties
> Select your Ethernet connection->Properties->Advanced->
> Check the box
> Protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this
> computer from the internet.
> OR:
> You can turn off the messenger service.
> Start->Run-> Type services.msc-> select messenger then disable it, and stop
> the service.
> We have this problem on our computer on campus.
> I wish I knew the exact iptables rule to block this.
> Blocking port 137? UDP blocks the traffic; but it also blocks other services
> on that port.

Here's what's open on my roomies default XP machine.
Your guess is as good as mine as to which all that garbage
comes in on.

Port       State       Service
123/udp    open        ntp
135/tcp    open        loc-srv
135/udp    open        loc-srv
137/udp    open        netbios-ns
138/udp    open        netbios-dgm
139/tcp    open        netbios-ssn
445/tcp    open        microsoft-ds
445/udp    open        microsoft-ds
500/udp    open        isakmp
1024/tcp   open        kdm
1025/tcp   open        NFS-or-IIS
1026/tcp   open        LSA-or-nterm
1032/udp   open        iad3
1900/udp   open        UPnP
5000/tcp   open        UPnP

-- Jay Crews

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