On 23 Jan 2003, Joe Klemmer wrote:

> On Fri, 2003-01-24 at 04:36, Rob Unsworth wrote:
> > When I first saw this sig I was all for supporting the FSF in this 
> > campaign. That was until I read the web page. I found that in part it 
> > is self defeating, because it contains the following.
> > 
> >  "Receiving Word attachments is bad for you because they can carry 
> >   viruses........"
> > 
> > Two paragraphs later
> > 
> >  "To convert the file to HTML using Word is simple......."
> > 
> > Apparently the FSF oppose receiving  a virus sent with a Word 
> > document, but if the virus is sent via HTML, thats OK.
>       I'm missing something here...  In what way would a word macro virus be
> converted into anything html?  I think you don't quite know the
> technology (or maybe you know something that no one else knows).

Can you guarantee that any HTML attachment you receive was actually 
converted from Word.


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