Yeah I do not think that I got the lock files. I think the issue was larger than rpm. I attempted to reboot and the shutdown process failed then "hung" while attempting umount /net from NFS. I do not use NFS - at least not on purpose.

Anyway, thank you for the responses. Looks like the issue is this NFS /net thing I got going on. Need to dig through config and logs.

Thanks Again,

Michael Schwendt wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 23 Jan 2003 11:11:23 -0500, Harold Helmich wrote:

Quick question newbie question:

After updating kernels via up2date what is the preferred method for removing old kernels? rpm -e? Or is there another way?

I have tried:
rpm -e kernel-2.4.18-14 kernel-smp-2.4.18-14

It runs forever and never seems to do the job. I let it run all


and cancelled this morning. Then rebuilt the rpm databases for good

measure. Still just hangs.

Any help is appreciated.

rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__*
rpm --rebuilddb

Then try again. Major FAQ.

As noted in the bottom of my message, I did do that this monring.

Well, you only wrote "you rebuilt the databases", but not that
you removed the temporary/lock files.

Anyway, try increasing verbosity with option "-vv" or strace the

Does it make any difference if you remove a single package only?

It has been running for about 2 hours now.

Running or hanging? ;-) Any disk activity? Is rpm wasting cycles
according to ps's output?

Side note: df also hangs - but only at the end. It prints the output
and then hangs. Takes a while for the command prompt to come back. I
do not know if they are related.

Don't know how long "a while" is, but I see df delays only during
heavy disk activity.

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