On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 03:28:35PM +0000, Ross Macintyre wrote:
> Hi Brent, thanks again for spending time on this.
> I have decided that my best approach here is to try your XF86Config 
> file first, and if that fails then I will do as you suggest and install 
> the older RPMs(I'm fairly comfortable with this). OK, but what confuses 
> me is this:
> I'm sitting at the machine looking at the monitor which is conected to 
> the on-board video. Now what is the best way to test if the display is 
> working? Normally I would just try 'startx'. But does this not display 
> to the monitor I am currently using? Or am I supposed to connect the 
> monitor to new video connector? maybe the best way is to connect the 
> monitor to the new connector and do all the testing remotely? Login and 
> just try and start X or xdm?

Well, since the XFree86 in 8.0 doesn't work with the onboard video
card, I would recommend only connecting the monitor to the add-in
card.  I would't recommend doing the testing remotely...just do it
locally on the machine.  

An easy way to test if X is working is just to run "X" at the command
line.  This will only try to start X instead of the entire desktop.
All you should see is a mouse cursor on a black background.

> I am obviously missing something very basic here( and would probably be 
> better off installing the old RPMs) but there must be something in the 
> XF86Config file wich says use monitorA and not monitorB.
> Actually now I've decided to look at the /var/log/XFree86.0.log  file I 
> can see that it see the device ok but there is something wrong 
> in the XF86Config file/ I'll attach the output log and see if that 
> gives you any hints:
> (WW) s3: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:4:0) found
> (EE) No devices detected.

The XF86Config file is telling X to try the s3 driver, but it looks
like there's no monitor connected to the S3 card.  That is probably
what is making X fail to load.  It's hard for me to say without having
a similar machine to try things out with.


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