---------- Original Message -----------
From: Jesse Keating <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 18:56:31 -0800
Subject: Re: sudo nautilus (was Re: Yes..., I can destroy your system!)

> On Wednesday 22 January 2003 17:40, Mike Vanecek uttered:
> > I have setup sudo for a user account. While logged onto that account, I do
> > a sudo nautilus & to start nautilus. However, if I try to read or copy
> > files using nautilus for which the user account does not have privilege,
> > then I get a permission error. Any way around this?
> In that situation, you might want to just su - to root, and run the file 
> manager.  (or learn to operate on files from a command line (;  )
------- End of Original Message -------

I know that ... I was trying to find a way to start nautilus with true root

I am using GNome. Seems to me I saw a KDE option on the menu to start super
user terminal and super user nautilus. If anyone runs KDE, maybe they could
check it and see if it really works and if so, how?

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