Tried it. Liked it. It's great. I just dunno python at all and having
a helluva time.  It is just what I need, however, to access my mysql
files on my linux server (a home net) using either winbloze or linux.
I have a home based business that I track inventory as well as some
other things. I have Delphi 6 as the main RAD GUI programming, but have
used Kylix 2, haven't upgraded to Kylix 3 yet. All in all, Rekall fits
the picture for quick look and manipulation of data from either os
without firing up the GUI program I wrote.

Best Regards,

Keith B.
Keith Winston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Bill Reid wrote:
>> On Tue, 2003-01-21 at 13:24, Vasyl wrote:
>>  > Hi!
>>  > Is there an alternative to MS Access under Linux?
>>  > Vasyl Kenyuk
>>  >
>> As suggested by Michael Knepher OpenOffice is certainly an option. A 
>> good starting point is:
>> 1.0, ODBC, and MySQL How-to
>> ...
>The Kompany makes a program called Rekall that works like Access but 
>connects to MySQL, Postgresql and other databases on the backend.  It is 
>not a GPL program, but I think under their license you get the source 
>code withtout the right to redistribute.  I've never tried it, nor heard 
>from anyone who has, but it is available:
>Best Regards,
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