On 21 Jan 2003, Donald G Wilson Jr wrote: > I know its an old game but... has anyone here gotten quake to run on RH > 8. I've never installed these syle games on Linux and frankly am afraid > of fessing up my install. I read the how-to, and several sites, but all > are outdated and leave me wondering if i can/should do it on my sys. > > (RH8 w/ AMD XP2100+, GeForce4 mx420, nvidia drivers.) > > no rtfm style replys please, though if someone says they did it by the > how - to thats fine, i was just scared of changing so many files via out > dated information. > > :-) > > dw Quake 1, your best bet if you have the original cd is quakeforge, this is a complete port of quake1 for linux with 3d excelerated graphics and is easily installed from sourc, quake2, the best method is to download the quake2 installer from icculus.org, this is another full linux port which will install and setup quake2 from the original cd, quake3, with either the windows or linux cd version you should download the latest linux patch from ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com//idstuff/quake3/linux/linuxq3apoint-1.32b.x86.run and run it, then copy the pack files from the cd or a windows install to /usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3. Have fun :)
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