I don't understand why he needs to relay. Why not just configure sendmail to
authenticate before relaying?

> --Luke
> --Computer Science Sysadmin, MSU Bozeman 
> --admin(AT)cs.montana.edu 994-3931 

> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Steven W. Orr
> Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 10:04 AM
> To: Gregory L. Hering
> Subject: Re: Anti-spam
> On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Gregory L. Hering wrote:
> =>Dear Spam-haters (on Linux RH8),
> [Lots of stuff deleted...]
> =>    I wanted a system that was low maintenance so I wanted some
> =>automated features.  The (now optional) reply informed you that if you
> =>forwarded this to 'me@myserver' it would pass because of a signature in
> =>the message and I would get an e-mail with subject 'REQUEST FRIEND
> =>STATUS'.  If I replied in the affirmative then the program would add
> =>them to the list and they could send me mail.  If a spammer actually put
> =>their real e-mail address in the headers and they got the message and
> =>forwarded it to me, I would just delete the message.  If it became a
> =>problem because they had the signature, I just change the signature in
> =>the program.  If they got smart, they could automate replies and spam me
> =>anyway, but this is war!  Isn't it?
> =>
> =>    Another problem is that my program pops the server at 1 minute
> =>intervals.  My e-mail client pops the server at 15 minute intervals.
> =>If my client pops the server in the period after the spam is sent but
> =>before the despammer cleans the account then I get a little spam anyway.
> =>It needs to be a proxy server.  Anyway, it's been turned off for the
> =>last two months because I've been looking for a job and I just didn't
> =>want to mess with possible job offers being deleted.  And I haven't been
> =>advancing the work on the program during this time.
> =>
> =>    There is probably an existing program like 'fetchmail' or
> =>'SpamAssassin' (or maybe even qPopper) that could be set to this mode
> =>but I just don't know of it.  Anyone...?
> =>
> =>    As someone mentioned earlier, the only effective way to stop spam is
> =>to block it at a server.  This is my attempt.  I don't think there is
> =>really a good solution yet.  It should be illegal, like littering, and
> =>spammers should be fined, but that would only work for US based
> =>companies.  What about countries that hate us?  They probably pay people
> =>to generate fake traffic.  We need some real creative thinking and a
> =>coordinated effort.
> Well Greg. I run sendmail-8.12.6 + spamassassin and almost all of my spam
> is either filtered out or rejected outright by sendmail. There already
> exist some good whitelist managers out there. They are not an alternative
> for most people. You can do even better than I do by running milter
> software on sendmail.
> --
> -Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like a banana. Stranger things have
> -
> -happened but none stranger than this. Does your driver's license say
> Organ
> -Donor?Black holes are where God divided by zero. Listen to me! We are
> all-
> -individuals! What if this weren't a hypothetical question?
> --
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