On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 21:47, Sanjeewa Wijerathne wrote:
>  --- Charles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > kill
> all wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > 
> > > Im trying to setup a samba server to do
> > > Authentication, file serving for 300+ users. The
> > > server is a Compaq ML 330. Do you think this
> > server
> > > can handle it.
> > > 
> > > Thanks in advance
> > > --
> > > sanjeewa.
> > > 
> > > 
> > What are the specs for the server? Memory?, CPU type
> > and speed? How 
> > many users connected simultaneously? On average, how
> > big are the 
> > files these users want to get at? Several K? Several
> > Meg? In the 
> > Gigabyte range? Text files?
> > 
> > Cheers--
> > Charles
> Oh , I fogot to put the spces ,
> Pentium III 1.40 GHz.
> 1GB RAM.
> 40 GB HD.
> 20MB disk quota for 300+ users.
Roaming profiles would be a problem.

I would think that the computer is capable depending upon...

- don't put the network infrastructure on this machine too. Don't
install x, make it dhcp, dns, http and ldap server. Maybe another
machine (or 2 or 3 or 4) to do this.

- network subnetting is critical - switches would definitely help.

- consider multiple subnets with multiple nic's on the server. For
example, my first thought would be to have...
4 subnets of 75 users
4 NIC's in the server
save the first 9 ip addresses in each subnet for other servers...
put printers on the next 10 addresses
issue dhcp addresses starting at
reserve ip addresses starting at for other things such as

- if this is a school and you would have an entire class of like 20/30
students hitting the server at the same time, be prepared for some lags.

- you would really want a backup domain controller which really isn't
possible with samba 2.x...but for 300 users, consider taking another
computer and leaving it mostly idle and using something like rsync to
back up critical files such as passwd,group,shadow,smbpasswd,user

- finally, I would suggest that you consider the concepts in Networking
for Peanuts series...
This concept would have you spread out the server workload amongst many
computers which is possibly a good idea when you don't have the budget
to buy enough iron to do the job with 1 computer.


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