
I currently have a small home network and a cable connection, 
I have just setup some webservers and host my own internal DNS, that 
forwards requies not in my domain to my ISP's domain servers and will 
be using dynamic domain name services from dyndns.org, to allow a mapping of a domain 
to my 
external IP, which will then get port forwarded to an internal DMZ web 

Currently I have a sendmail server setup that uses the SMART_HOST in 
the sendmail.cf to forward mails not destined for my local 
internal network to my ISP's smtp server which then delivers it to 
the correct host.

Seen I will be having this new domain pointed towards my IP address, I 
would like to host *MY* own mail server for my new domain, as the 
administration site of dyndns.org allows me to specify an MX entry, which I would 
towards my IP.

After batteling over the README for sendmail and looking through their 
site and several readme's online, I'm still not sure how I would go 
about this, as I would like my smtp server to send the outging mails 
destined for another domain straight the the correct server, rather 
than using blueyonders smtp server (this removing the need for 

I may have got this completely mixed up, as sendmail has never been my 
strong point (as you probally gathered)
Sorry for any confusion that I may cause.

Thanks in advance


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