On 9 Jan 2003, Jay Shampur wrote:
- Apologies if this has been asked + answered, but google did not turn up
- the answer I am seeking.
- My Setup: RH8.0, VNCServer 3.3.x, Gnome Desktop 2 (that shipped with
- RH8)
- I want to be able to connect to my machine using either the browser or
- vncviewer and get the gnome desktop to appear on the remote machine.
- This is what my ~/.vnc/xstartup looks like now:
- #!/bin/sh
- /usr/bin/gnome-session & 


Check in $HOME/.vnc on the server. There is a file called something 
like <name>:1.log that will probably tell you what happened.
-- Stephen Carville http://www.heronforge.net/~stephen/gnupgkey.txt
Blessed are those who, in the face of death, think only of the 
front sight.

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