> I've set up and configured tripwire, successfully initialized the
> database and now want to view the report file. Below is the excerpt
> from the RH8 documentation...
> The /usr/sbin/twprint command is used to view encrypted Tripwire
> reports and databases.
> Viewing Tripwire Reports
> The twprint -m r command will display the contents of a Tripwire
> report in clear text. You
> must, however, tell twprint which report file to display.
> A twprint command for printing Tripwire reports looks similar to the
> following: 
> /usr/sbin/twprint -m r --twrfile /var/lib/tripwire/report/<name>.twr
> The -m r option in the command directs twprint to decode a Tripwire
> report. The --twrfile option directs twprint to use a specific
> Tripwire report file. 
> When I execute the above command line on the twr file, it returns an
> error message saying the file is not encrypted and dumps me out to
> the prompt. If I try to cat or view the file, it's all encrypted.
> What am I doing wrong here? BTW, I can view the database file just
> fine. Thanks! 
I don't think you are doing anything wrong.  The command should work fine.
It is saying "Note: Report is not encrypted."  This is normal, but following
that should be the contents of the report like:
Note: Report is not encrypted
Tripwire(R) 2.3.0 Integrity Check Report

Report generated by:          root
Report created on:            Thu 09 Jan 2003 04:04:17 AM EST
Database last updated on:     Wed 01 Jan 2003 11:54:57 PM EST

Are you getting that?  Or is just saying the Note and dumping you to a

James Francis
TechRx Inc.
530 Lindbergh Dr.
Coraopolis, Pa. 15108
Phone: (412) 474-1078   Fax: (412) 474-1074

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