Double check your DNS settings on the linux box :)

- use ssh with X11 forwarding..

- login back to your linux box from the solaris box to see what the DNS name is coming back as.. sometimes I need to specify a FQDN (Fully Qulified Domain Name) like xhost instead of xhost +host ... my case has to do with using LDAP, and its property of always returning a FQDN

--On Thursday, January 09, 2003 06:59:41 PM +0100 Patrick Marquetecken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


On my RH8 i must start Xprograms of my Solaris 8box.
With RH7.3 i had no problem.
I have stopt iptables
on the Linux box xhost +solarisbox

rlogin to the solaris box
export ip

then start the program, but nothing happens, not even a error message.


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Nothing comes out better than what is initially put in.

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Registered Linux User #44550

Tommy McNeely         --        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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