On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 11:01, Gerard Zwart wrote:
> Yes I did try, couldn't find. It's a HP Ultra VGA 1280 17'
> Any ideas where to look?

Found this in /usr/share/hwdata/MonitorsDB:

Hewlett-Packard; HP D2807 Ultra VGA 1280 17-inch Display; hwp0af7;
30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1

This means that most likely the driver for your video card doesn't do
ddcprobe. Lots of nVidia's don't seem to probe correctly for me on

Try specifying:
Horizontal = 30.0-64.0 
Vertical = 50.0-100.0

Chris Kloiber

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