Since I am on 128 which I believe is adequate, I do not believe its RAM.
Its simply cannot run two of the following at the same time 
(MSword/Excel/Winppt). I am tempted to think it is swap. I do not remember
dynamically asignoing swap size in the windows installation.

> > I believe you're mixing up memory and hard disk.  Are you getting a
> > device full error in Windows or are you really out of memory?  If you're
> > out of memory, your only realistic option is to buy more memory - adding
> > more disk space won't help you.
> Windows dynamically manages the swap file space, so if you are low on
> disk space, you are low on swap.
>       Mirek

"A man who won't die for something is not fit to live"
        Dr  Martin Luther King Jr.
#                      Dr. Ekow Oppon                     #
#                      Dept of Human Genetics             #
#                      Univ. of Cape Town. Med. School     #
#                      Observatory. 7925.                 #
#                      South Africa.                      #
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