
This may not be much help, but the Windows key seems to just work in
KDE3.  I was a user of Gnome, but them tried KDE and found a lot things
easier to configure...but that's probably just my subjective thoughts.


On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 13:59, Anton Piatek wrote:
> Anyone know how to make the windows key pop up the gnome menu?
> i tried changing the XF86COnfig keybd definition to pc104 instead of
> pc102, but i lose my '£' char, and as i live in the UK, that would be
> nice to use...
> Anton Piatek
> -- 
> Anton Piatek          | [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>                       |
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | Dept of Mathematics,
>                       | Imperial College,
> 07900-951-627         | London, UK
> ---
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