quite possibly something named "hotplug" .. ??

I think is usb stuff.. like motorola v.60 (usb modem) ... usb zip .. usb printer (which as a usb mass storage in it)


--On Tuesday, January 07, 2003 08:29:49 AM -0600 Aaron Konstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 10:42:20AM +0000, Neil Bird wrote:
Around about 07/01/2003 05:48, Tommy McNeely typed ...
> who keeps taking away my /dev/dvd link.. its driving me insane :p

   I think its another side effect of kudzu's updfstab.  I disabled
kudzu at startup, and only run it when I know I've changed something.
I've seen updfstab delete cdrom entries in fstab (moved to fstab.REVOKE)
and intermittently wipe /dev (at least, that's what I'm blaming).

   I can't for the life of me figure out what's actually calling
updfstab, or even, to be honest, given what it gets up to, *why* you'd
call it (scribbling links in /dev, deleting lines in fstab).

   If it's this, look for a 'kudzu' option for your dvd mount in
/etc/fstab.  Then remove it.

   If anyone knows why updfstab might actually be useful, I'd be
interested to hear!  Or even what might be calling it (magicdev?)/

As far as I can ubderstand the role of updfstab is to add and remove
entries in fstab for removable devices. To be manipulated by
updfstab the entry in  fstab must start with kudzu option.
Aaron Konstam
Computer Science
Trinity University
715 Stadium Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78212-7200

telephone: (210)-999-7484

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Tommy McNeely         --        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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