
two questions on this issue. First of all, rpm -qa |grep openoffice
gives the following results:

openoffice-i18n-1.0.1-8        (~116 MB)
openoffice-libs-1.0.1-8        (~128 MB)
openoffice-1.0.1-8             (~ 80 MB)

The last one is comparable to the Linux tarball one could download,
but what about the first two? The fonts _are_ nicer and I want to keep
them, but is it really needed, to run OOo on psyche, to have almost
1/5th of GB more, not shared by any other application? Even when one
will presumably use it only in one or two languages?

Second OOo packaging question: 
some days ago I asked this on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list:
>If I understand the packaging correctly, OOo 1.0.1, as shipped in Red
>Hat Linux 8.0, is one of the major apps still requiring the old font
>system, i.e. "forcing" the installation of libraries otherwise
>I say this because I see that openoffice requires chkfontpath, which
>in turn pretends to have xfs, the old font server.

Following is the answer I just got, interlaced with my other
questions. Any comments?

----- Forwarded message from Christof Pintaske - Sun Germany - ham02 -
Hamburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

OOo does not require chkfontpath or xfs. IF chkfontpath is installed 
THEN OOo uses it do determine the fontpath of xfs. If xfs is not part of 
the normal installation then its pointless to create a dependency to 
chkfontpath into the OOo rpms.
>Is this correct? If yes, why, 

This seems to be a RedHat packaging issue not an OpenOffice.org one.

>and what are the plans, if any, to move
>to the new Xft2/fontconfig system?

We want move to fontconfig in a major release AFTER OpenOffice.org 1.1.

best regards

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