I haven't tried vrml on linux yet, but have you looked at http://chromebob.com.vrml/ ?

You may need to edit the helper applications to get mozilla to recognized vrml.

"Scot L. Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>After spending multiple hours searching for a vrml plugin for mozilla
>all I have accomplished is upgrading mozilla and installing the openvrml
>package.  Unfortunately it appears that this is only a set of libraries
>for vrml and does not include the hoped for plugin for a Redhat 8.0
>system running mozilla.Documentation for this package was sparse.
>Trying to get this installed since nagios appears to utilize an x-vrml
>display for the 3D status maps.  Did come across several plugins for
>windos boxes but the results were less than pleasing.
>Did a search through past messages I have collected from the list but
>did not see any mention of vrml.
>Does anyone have some pointers to a mozilla plugin for vrml?  Any
>assistance would be appreciated.
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