On Sun, 2003-01-05 at 15:40, Tommy McNeely wrote:
> my question.. which everyone keeps sorta dancing around :)
> is how do I make it load automatically at system boot time... will just
> specifying the options in /etc/modules.conf work for me? .. i see
> something about /etc/rc.modules in the /etc/rc.sysinit ?? or is there
> something like /etc/modules.autoload ??

For some reason, ip_conntrack_ftp doesn't load itself automatically. You
can make an /etc/rc.modules that contains "modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp" if
you wish (make sure it's executable, and writable only by root), or you
can put it in rc.local, or you can have your custom iptables script load
it when necessary. Your choice.

Chris Kloiber

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