Can anyone help with creating a driver disk for use
at installation time with "linux dd"?
I've been having some problems with 2 new systems I
am setting up with a 3Ware raid controller. I am getting file system
corruption after a few hours of running the system and after searching around a
bit it seems that this is probably caused by a mismatch between the controller's
firmware and the driver that comes with RH 8.0.
I've downloaded the latest firmware and drivers
from 3Ware's site but am having trouble installing the drivers. 3Ware does
not yet have compiled drivers for RH 8.0 but they do include the source.
I've managed to compile the drivers, though I'm sure I have gone about it the
long way, do you really need to compile the kernel just to make a single
I've put the driver on the system I have
already set up (no data corruption yet). I replaced the new
module over the old in /lib (made a backup of the old first) and then created a
new image file with mkinitrd. This seems to have done the job. I
guess I'll need to recompile and do this all again if I download the kernel
The second system is yet to be installed so I'd
like to use the updated module during the installation, how do I go about this,
the driver disk from 3Ware only has modules up to 7.3 and just adding the newly
compiled module won't work because I think the install software looks for a
module info file or something to tell it what is on the driver
- Re: Kernel modules and 3Ware controllers Justin Clacherty
- Re: Kernel modules and 3Ware controllers Arjan van de Ven
- Re: Kernel modules and 3Ware controllers Justin Clacherty