On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 01:24, Michael Fratoni wrote:
> We don't need no stinkin' GUI tools... ;)

I like that, Michael, I like that. :-)

Incidently, sorry to be following up after such a long delay. I run a
small business and I'm afraid its requirements were more than a little
compelling over the last couple of days.
> First question. You're trying to build parted from source? Something wrong 
> with the included rpm?
> [mfratoni@paradox slinky]$ whichcd -v 8.0 parted

That is silly of me, isn't it? You know, I must have missed the
installed package when I searched at first. I'm hoping to use parted
with nparted, of all things, a parted "front end"! But that's a story in
itself. We still have the issue of the missing krb5-1.2.5-6 preventing
the installation of the Development Tools I'd like to get on this thing.

You'd asked about the output from 'rpm -qa | grep krb5. Here's what I
can tell you:

[root@localhost root]# rpm -qa | grep krb5

And here's the output from 'up2date -u gcc'

[root@localhost root]# up2date -u gcc

Fetching package list for channel: redhat-linux-i386-8.0...

Fetching Obsolete list for channel: redhat-linux-i386-8.0...

Fetching rpm headers...

Testing package set / solving RPM inter-dependencies...
gcc-3.2-7.i386.rpm          ########################## Done. 
glibc-devel-2.2-93-5.i386.r ########################## Done.
glibc-kernheaders-2.4-7.20  ########################## Done.
binutils- ########################## Done.
Preparing ########################################################     
The following packages were added to your selection to
   satisfy dependencies:

Name                      Version             Release
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
glibc-devel               2.2.93              5
glibc-kernheaders         2.4                 7.20
binutils                 2
Unless I'm missing something, we appear error free do we not? Your
comments, observations at this point?

Best regards.

John Lowell 

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