On Sat, 4 Jan 2003, Jesse Keating wrote:

> On Friday 03 January 2003 19:18, Gerry Doris uttered:
> > I've been trying to install LimeWire on a RH 8.0 box but I can't get it to
> > work properly.
> >
> > I've installed jre 1.3 since LimeWire didn't like the 1.4 version.  When I
> > installed and when I start LimeWire it issues a string of warnings about
> > not being able to create virtual key bindings but it does start.
> What steps have you taken to install java and LimeWire?  I just installed j2re 
> 1.4 last night, and then the latest free version of LimeWire.  LimeWire works 
> perfectly fine, and I was able to find what I was looking for....

Thanks for your rely.  It seems all that I really needed was a little 
encouragement that LimeWire really does work on RH 8.  After reading your 
note I went back and erased everything and started from scratch.  I 
immediately found a typo in the path statement for the jre.  I have 
several copies of jre and it looks like LimeWire was picking an old one.

I fixed that and LimeWire worked properly.


"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne"  Chaucer

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