On Sun, Dec 08, 2002 at 04:23:12AM -0500, Mike A. Harris wrote:
> On Sat, 7 Dec 2002, Jim Christiansen wrote:
> >Ok, so what I'm understanding is that a linux host system
> >without X installed can be accessed from another computer,
> >remotely, using ssh and its X system to operate an X session
> >from the host?
> >From the very beginning of X back in the early 1980s, X was 
> designed to be a network transparent window system.  X uses a 
> client/server model to accomplish this.  The X server, is what 
> controls your video card and display, and handles keyboard and 
> mouse input among other things.  The X server provides a 
> mechanism for arbitrating access to shared resources amongst X 
> client applications.

Thanks, Mike, for another elegant and clear description of an
important part of our favorite OS that is not well understood
by many.

Your contributions are appreciated.


        David A. De Graaf    DATIX, Inc.    Hendersonville, NC
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    (828) 696-8646;  fax (828) 694-1037

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