On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 23:41, D. Hugh Redelmeier wrote:
> 1) Don't use Xinerama.  Then the two screens become different devices
>    (i.e. DISPLAY=:0.0 for one and DISPLAY=:0.1 for the other).  The
>    fundamental problem is that you cannot drag a window between
>    devices, as far as I know.

GNOME doesn't currently support this, but I've heard that it will when
they update to GTK+ 2.2, probably for GNOME 2.2?  I've also heard that
KDE supports this now, but I can't say for certain.  I no longer have a
dual-head setup.

> An even better approach, based on (2), would be if the two screens
> could be used to show separate workspaces.  I have no idea if this
> fits the structure of the X code.

I think this is actually easier to do with (1), but won't work until
your desktop environment properly supports multiple displays.

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